Places Festival
Bochumer Str. 156
45886 Gelsenkirchen
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What does Happyland mean? What are microaggressions? And why mosquitoes?
Find out about the key concepts of DEBUG and get ready for updating your system.
The VR experience is staged on two levels — the audience’s and the participant’s perspective. While the participant enters the uncomfortable experience of microaggressions, the audience stays in Happyland. Your system can only be debugged with the proper lens.
Racism is deeply entrenched in our society, our institutions, our beliefs, and values. Each one of us is part of the racist system we live in. It’s about time to debug this system from racism. But how?
You’re right, it isn’t easy to change a system that has been part of us for centuries. And yes, it’s a fight that will take generations. You will most likely not experience the victory anymore. But you have the power to set the foundation for it. Anti-racism is not an attitude. It’s an action. And our lifetime responsibility.
Get in touch to find out how you can support DEBUG.
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